Santa Monica Demographics

Santa Monica is a california city located in California and has the following demographics. Santa Monica has a total population of 89951. The median individual income in Santa Monica is $62727 with a poverty rate of 11.5%. The median age in Santa Monica is 43.3, and is compromised of 47.1% males and 52.9% females demographic profile. The median age for oakland residents is 43.3.

Santa Monica, California Population Data

Santa Monica Demographics – Population

Santa Monica Population

Persons Under 53.90%
5 to 17 years old10.7%
18 to 24 years old6.9%
25 to 44 years old31.6%
45 to 54 years old10.6%
55 to 64 years old15.2%
65 to 84 years old11.1%
75 years or old10%

Median Age In Santa Monica


Santa Monica Sex Demographic Stats

Sex ratio – Gender ratio


Santa Monica, California Race Data

Santa Monica Demographics – Race and Ethnicity

The Santa Monica racial/ethnic groups include White (62.3%), Black (6.3%) Hispanic (19.8%) and Asian (7.7%). See race and ethnicity breakdown.

One Race – White62.3%
One Race – Black (African American)6.3%
One Race – American Indian / Alaska Native0.1%
One Race – Asian7.7%
One Race – Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander0.1%
One Race – Other7.6%
Two or More Race15.3%
Hispanic of Any Race – Latino By Race19.8%
White People Alone | Not Hispanic59%

Santa Monica Speaking Language

Santa Monica Demographics – Language

Population 5 and Over28.9
Speak English Very Well19.7%
Speak English Less Than Very Well9.2%

Santa Monica, CA Marital Status – Marriage

Santa Monica Demographics – Marriage

Population 15 and Over78320
Never Married42%
Divorced or Separated14.3%

Santa Monica Educational Attainment

Santa Monica Demographics – Education

Population 25 and Over70568
Less Than High School Graduate Education5.1%
High School Graduate or Equivalent10.5%
Some College or Associates Degree17.2%
Bachelor’s Degree (Universities)37.7%
Graduate or Professional Degree29.6%

Santa Monica, CA Income Salary Demographic

Santa Monica Demographics – Income

The employee Median individual capita income of Santa Monica is $62727 for homeowners in the united states. This includes 39.1% making over $75,000 from employment as individuals instead of Santa Monica households. However, 11.5% of Santa Monica population lives below 100% of the poverty line.

Population 15 and Over78320
Under $9,9998.8%
$10,000 – $14,9995.5%
$15,000 – $24,9998.7%
$25,000 – $34,9997.7%
$35,000 – $44,9998.4%
$50,000 – $64,9997.2%
$65,000 – $74,9993.4%
Over $75,00039.1%

Santa Monica Median Income


Santa Monica, California Poverty Information

Santa Monica Demographics – Poverty

Population Analyzed88809
Below 100% of Poverty Level11.5%
100% – 149% of Poverty Level5.8%
At or Above 150% of Poverty Level82.7%

Santa Monica Resources

Santa Monica Wikipedia Page

Santa Monica Homes

U.S. Census Bureau – United States Census Bureau

Demographics Profile Quickfacts

Median Household Income: Incomes of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household.

Ethnicity: Belonging to a population group.

Racial Diversity: acknowledgement of difference between racial groups.

Metro Area: metropolitan area or metro is a region consisting of a densely populated urban agglomeration and its surrounding area.

Population Density: population density is the number of people per unit of area.

Crime Statistics: numbers collected by a government agency that show how often different types of crimes happen in a specific area.